צרו קשר
צרו קשר
חינוך לגיל הרך
צרו קשר
צרו קשר
חינוך לגיל הרך
חינוך לגיל הרך
חינוך לגיל הרך
Kehilat Kol HaNeshama
קהילת כל הנשמה
An Israeli - Jerusalemite Reform Community
Shabbat prayer times:
Saturday reception winter time 17:30 | Summer time 18:15 | Shacharit Shabbat 9:15
All prayers are broadcast LIVE on the community's Facebook page
Contact us to book a group visit and join us in service
Commutiy Activities
Throughout the year we hold in the community a variety of activities for different ages, among them: study series in the Beit Midrash where we study the Torah of the week and various sources from the Jewish and general heritage; Children's prayers on Saturday morning, a singing group, study sessions and conversation on a variety of topics and more.
In addition, many events are held at the initiative of community members according to the needs that arise from the community. During the closures, these initiatives helped us all get through the challenges of the time together.
Here you can read about our regular community activities. You can keep up to date with the current activities in the community diary that appears on the home page or in the various other communication channels of the community (Facebook, Instagram, the weekly bulletin and the community's WhatsApp group)
Bereavement Committee
The bereavement committee deals with everything that concerns the community's coping with grief, both of the members of the community on an individual level and of the community as a whole.
The Bereavement Committee holds workshops throughout the year to provide a place and answer for processing the grieving process, a space where community members gather, remember and support each other. Also, the committee meets and acts in real moments, when there is a case of death in or around the community and provides an envelope of support.
Steps In Uniform
We lovingly accompany our children who have grown up and gone on their way in military or civil service. The committee maintains contact with all the soldiers and soldiers from the community's families and Telam youth graduates and sends them a modest gift accompanied by blessings during the holidays. In addition, the committee organizes a number of community activities for the parents of the soldiers and the entire community.
Community In Neighborhoods
A network of neighborhood coordinators who organize community activities for community members in their neighborhood, mainly around holidays and during periods that require mutual help (corona) and more.
Keren ק.ר.ן
A foundation is an organization of volunteers who help community members in times of difficulty or crisis in a variety of ways.
The volunteers help with cooking, shopping, support and more.
Community Meals
Every few Shabbats, community members gather for a communal meal after Shabbat prayers or on holidays. Sometimes the meals have unique themes, such as welcoming new friends, Hamzaida (a leaven meal before Passover), etc. Community members are involved together in organizing the meal and the social gathering around it.
Youth Programs
Collaborations with Telamim - the youth community of the movement for Reform Judaism, with the open house for pride and tolerance in Jerusalem and more.